Within countless sections of cosmos,
In every square inch of there is,
Happens everything,
Natural laws and processes,
Vortices and balances,
Bubbles, spirals, transferences,
Of energy,
On Earth there is life,
Perhaps on countless other worlds,
It is there too,
Semi-conscious animals,
Slightly more awake intelligence,
Who knows what precedes us,
And goes way beyond our minds,
Gaseous oceans of spongy antiquity,
Veins of liquid gold spewing,
From the exploding shell of a sun,
Infinitely more places than light,
In its time constrained horizon,
From our central visual point,
In all directions,
It's all happening now,
Hunters hunted the torture of the chase,
Teeth sinking into necks across the universe,
Like the physics that holds water,
The rules play out eternally,
Into diversity,
And we are standing still.
Rowan Blair Colver