This brown to yellow tufty mineral sometimes forms within amethyst. As a stone of ascension, cacoxenite can be used astrologically in order to achieve the maximum benefits of planetary alignments. It has also been used with moldavite in this way, especially in the Baltic regions. In meditation, cacoxenite allows deeper insights into the abundance of nature surrounding. This stone can be used in holistic treatment to allow the holder to appreciate the energetic relationships in their life and the benefits or harmful elements of them.
This colourless or white mineral can appear in many forms. When particular elements are included in the crystal matrix, a variety of different colours can be expressed. When under pressure, calcite releases electrical impulses, and this allows it to be used as an energetic amplifier. It is a stone of remembrance, and can trigger memories from the mind or within the cells of the body. As a teacher, calcite is used to assist with education in spirit and mind by having multi-directional abilities with its energy. The various colours of calcite correspond to the different energy centres or chakras in one's energy field, and can be used in the balancing, healing, and empowerment of each one.
This white-red or yellow mineral can often appear hexagonal. It is a purifying stone that helps to detoxify the body during times of healing. It is a calming stone and carnallite is associated with the physical realm. It helps one to develop an edge in life that inspired the intellect through spiritual development. It has also been used to help to unblock energies formed during times of abuse.
Carnelian is a form of chalcedony and often manifests as a red, orange, or brown stone. As a stimulant, it helps to empower the intellect and analytical skills by increasing the ability of perception towards one's own abilities. As a protector, carnelian helps shield from feelings fear, rage, envy, and sorrow. It is also useful in ridding oneself of apathy or a passive attitude. It helps awaken ones ability to accept the love that is self and all things, and the rare pink variety of carnelian is especially known for this property.
This yellow powdery or druzy formation mineral is an activation stone for the nurturing elements within our personality. Carnotite is known for its ability to formulate compassionate and considerate feelings in the holder, giving way to sensations of belonging and togetherness. Carnotite is also used to bring about the courage to follow instinctual messages from the body, without thinking, causing direct responsibility to all situations.
Carrollite forms in octahedral or massive crystals and appears as a silvery grey with partial violet or peach colourings. It is a grounding stone and can assist in the balancing and bringing down to earth of the chakra energies. This stone helps us to appreciate that love overcomes fear and the self is situated within a grand network of love which fear causes blockages to. Carrollite is known to be used in assisting finding one's own voice and providing clarity with words.
This solidified clay displays a red or rosy pink colour. It is a traditional stone of the Native American Indians, who would use it to make totems and piped instruments. Catlinite has been said to enhance our skills and create shielding from negativity.
Cat's Eye
This formation of quartz or chrysoberyl contains a chatoyancy meaning that it resembles a cat's eye. The chatoyancy is caused by the inclusions of other fibrous minerals, often asbestos. There are many varying colours of cat's eye stone. Cat's eye is said to bring its owner luck, and enhances attunement to intuition and awareness. It is said to be used in the expulsion of unwanted energies in the etheric energetic field.
This green to deep blue orthorhombic stone is said to stimulate the intuition and bring about the ability of second sight. As a psychic stone, it can be useful in healing from one to another using the power of positive thought. By encouraging a mindful attitude towards the environment, it help us to beak bad habits which could be harmful to our surroundings. Cavansite is used in mediations on reflection and self governance.
This stone forms in many varieties of shape including granular masses, orthorhombic tabular crystals, and nodules. Celestite is mainly blue but can often be red, orange, yellow, white, or brown. As a mental activator, celestite can be used in analytical tasks or when undergoing difficult mental tasks. By allowing the higher reasoning of rational thought to truly embrace complicated situations, celestite allows one to make sense of the physical realm more accurately. On energetic terms, celestite is helpful in the balancing of yin-yang energies in the auric fields, and can trigger enlightening images and stories in order to establish deeper sensations of truth,
This mineral can form in masses, granules, stalactites, clusters or solitary crystals. Cerussite is a grounding stone and helps the holder to find an inner comfort zone in any situation, it's said to be helpful for business travel. Cerussite is an assistant to growth in every one of life's aspects, and is said to be powerful in the decisiveness required in decision making. As a communicator stone, cerussite is noted for its ability to improve method and clarity in communications, and encourages flare in creativity on an intellectual level.
This rhombohedral or prismatic hexagonal stone can appear in a variety of colours including red, yellow, pink, red or green. Chabazite is known for helping the holder to find order in life, realigning mental and emotional focus onto matters that are the most key in all situations. It also help one to isolate self in a busy environment, in order to remain focused and in tune with self while making decisions. Chabazite has been used to help in the curing of addictions.
This quartz family member is either transparent or opaque. This is a sacred stone to the Native American Indians, which enhanced stability within tribal relationships. As a psychic communication mineral, chalcedony has been used to receive messages in thought form. It is a balancing agent, and can be used to assist with the balancing of the emotions with the physical and mental bodies. Chalcedony can be helpful in the nurturing of togetherness within groups, and a family type bond is fortified with this stone.
This brassy yellow to green mineral forms in tetrahedra with sphenoidal faces, in botryoidal or reniform masses, and octahedrals. It has been useful in the finding of lost possessions, and has also been said to disappear from time to time in order to recover new information for the owner. As a perception building stone, chalcopyrite can be used to enhance one's ability to connect with their ancient heritage. It can help to understand the methods and thinking of different cultures.
This mass or druze presenting mineral often occurs in Russia. It is mainly pink or purple, and sometimes contains inclusions of quartz. Charoite allows a connectivity between the heart and crown chakras which allows an element of unconditional love to flow between self and the higher dimensions of being. This stone clears negative energies and is also grounding, so is used in healing the aura from energetic blockages and trauma residue. This is a brotherhood stone, which fortifies the bonds between self and others, allowing letting go of physical bonds when necessary. Charoite has been used to help increase the attention span, which in turn can assist with visualisation and manifestation.
This type of andalusite occurs in stubby crystals which combine an axis of mineral that varies in colour to the main form. As a cross stone, this particular formation has been used to ward off the evil eye and to reflect negative intentions. It is a symbolic stone of death and re-birth, allowing the transmutation of spiritual energies and the following changes that manifest in the self. Chastolite is said to be useful in creativity and in finding methods of change, including the mind-sets required for problem solving.
Chlorite can be in a number of varying forms, including clinochlore, diabantite, daphnite, kammererite, and penninite. This is a healing stone and contains a totally positive energy. Chlorite assists in the cooperation between all peoples and is used to purify the energies between them. This stone directly dissipates anger and hostile feelings, and can be used to remove spiritual energetic implants such as blockages caused by psychological grooming.
Chrysanthemum Stone
This multi mineral stone contains a mixture of gypsum clay, dolomite, limestone, or porphyry, with shard inclusions of andalusite, celestite, feldspar, or calcite which form a patter which resemble blooming chrysanthemum flowers in the autumn. This stone allows the holder to flow more easily through the experiences of life and to appreciate each new situation as it presents the wisdom within. Chrysanthemum stone helps to bring joy to each moment and dispels prejudice and bigotry by removing self-righteous attitudes. This mineral is used to remove obstacles and problems that are preventing further advancement.
This hexagonal or tabular crystal can be found in green, yellow, honey, or red varieties. This stone is a stone of personal power and is used to increase one's own strengths. It harmonises the third and seventh chakras providing an increase of intellect in physical actions. As a stone of immortality, it allows the holder to accept the transience of life but to always strive for personal betterment in all aspects. Chysoberyl allows an inner feeling of peace between the intellect and the physical bodies, and allows one to be generous towards self.
This blue green or black mineral forms in layers, crusts, botryoidal configurations, or tiny needles. Once fashioned into a gem, this stone is known as gem silica. On an energetic level, chrysocolla assists in the healing of the navel, base, and solar plexus centres, and can be useful in healing heartache by providing a revitalitising effect on the holders ability to love unconditionally. This stone is also used to help prolong periods of needed quiet time and silence between people, in order to allow tensions or hurt to freely heal. Chrysocolla is a stone of harmony and can be used to help brig balance in relationships and to heal the effects of distressing situations.
This stone is a form of green chalcedony which is said to be useful in the balancing of yin-yang energies and for balancing all the chakras within the ethereal plane. Chrysoprase has been used to help provide an attitude of grace when going about one's duties and allows a level of compassion and non-judgement to assert within thought. This stone is used to help alleviate inferiority or superiority complexes, at the same time as helping to find the perfection within self ad to continually adjust actions to reflect this.
This flexible and delicate fibrous mineral can appear as various shades of green as well as yellow, white, or red. This is a bonding mineral that can help attract objects of desire but also prevents us from becoming attached to material possessions. Chrysotile helps the holder to discover their true self and to release their emotional baggage. This stone has been used in the assisting of telepathic communication, both sending and receiving messages, and also allows one to find the wisdom within experiences to allow them to carry out their actions in the best way possible at the given time.
This mineral often forms as a compact granular mass, rhombohedral tabular, or thin needle like crystals. It can appear as a shade of red called vermilion or as a brown-grey colour. Cinnabar has sometimes been known as the merchant's stone. For this reason, it is often used within business. It can be used to provide a fluency language when in conversation as well as reduce aggression by inspiring a more gently assertive mentality.
This mineral is a variety of yellow quartz, which ranges in tone. Citrine is known for not holding on to negative energy which is a rare trait only known in two stones. Another merchant's stone, it is said that keeping one in the cash box encourages financial growth. Citrine is used to balance the yin-yang energies and to balance the chakras on the ethereal plane. This crystal is beneficial to all the chakras and can enliven and harmonise the energy of them all to varying degrees. It can encourage success in business and relationships an also is said to be useful at healing fractures in close bonds.
This white stone forms in lamellar masses. Its energy is said to span the life force of the physical, astral, and ethereal realms, bringing a deeper sense of wisdom to matters that concern all three. It can help the holder to align action to set out plans and goals. It is a great mineral for balancing the decision making process when making plans. Clevelandite is used to build fortification to relationships, and helps one to appreciate qualities of others.
This white, colourless, yellow, or green stone forms in granular masses and tabular crystals. It is a healing stone for relationship issues, and can stimulate recovery on the physical, emotional, and intellectual levels. Clinochlore assists one to find independence, and to appreciate that all things are growing in spirit. This stone is used to benefit the feelings of nurture and care required for healing close bonds.
Columbite is a dark black, grey, or red coloured stone that forms rectangular or regular prisms, pyramids, and masses. It is an activation stone that works with every chakra, as well as providing a layer of energetic protection during this process. Columbite is associated with great and deep insight, especially in the moment of challenge or confrontation with obstacle. It can also help us to take action that prevents future troubles from being as serious.
Cookeite is a white, yellow, pink, or brown mineral that occurs in plates or round shaped aggregates. It has been used in the process of gridding, and ensures a calm atmosphere in this work. Cookeite can be used to assist flexibility in thought and body, making one more aaptable to new situations. It is a stone of problem solving and of objective inspection of circumstances, bringing forth relevant guidance. Cookeite is also said to be helpful in the provision of tactile skills in delegation.
Copal has an organic origin and is similar in nature to amber. It mainly occurs as yellow, or red/brown. It is used to activate the crown chakra while remaining physically conscious. By assisting awareness in meditation, copal can be used to identify with the emptiness within the spiritual being. It is used to remove blockages of spiritual energy and allows a connectivity to humanity.
This hard mineral forms crystalline grains, masses, and tabular rhombohedral prisms. It occurs in many varieties of colour including, red, blue, orange, pink, purple, green, yellow, bronze, black, or grey. All colours of gem quality corundum are termed sapphire, apart from red, which is ruby. This mineral assists in the provision of insight into unknown situations, and allows the holder to move more freely on an emotional level by assisting in the letting go of non helpful bonds and behaviours.
This indigo blue mineral forms in plates, foliates, masses, and occasionally as a crystal. It is used to activate the third eye chakra, and encourages a positive and encouraging outlook. This is a manifestation stone that can be used to bring visualisations and dreams into material being. It is a reflective stone, allowing the holder to reflect on past actions and patterns with a positive but discerning eye. Covellite can be used to assist with removing feelings of despondency and lack of motivation. When placed on the navel chakra, it is said that Covellite assists in the cleaning from toxins.
This green mineral forms as small orthorhombic crystals, cluster of such, druses, or granular aggregates. This stone carries an energy of empowerment and responsibility. Cuproadamite can be used to help bring about self-discipline and determination. For this reason, it is used to help bring about goals and structured plans that require continual attention. This stone benefits the owner by instilling a feeling of being supported. This stone of patience helps to assert the fact that things require time to establish and manifest, and acts as a reminder to continually apply effort to achieve results.
This blue to colourless mineral forms soft druses in spherical layouts. It is said to activate initiative and thoughts of a problem solving nature applied with confidence. It can increase motivation, and hels the owner to search new paths to follow. Cyanotrichite is said to assert self in situations that require strong leadership and can be used to bring an element of authority to one's work. It is said that cyannotrichite can be used to improve planning skills and to dispell hateful or angry feelings within conversation.
This brown to yellow tufty mineral sometimes forms within amethyst. As a stone of ascension, cacoxenite can be used astrologically in order to achieve the maximum benefits of planetary alignments. It has also been used with moldavite in this way, especially in the Baltic regions. In meditation, cacoxenite allows deeper insights into the abundance of nature surrounding. This stone can be used in holistic treatment to allow the holder to appreciate the energetic relationships in their life and the benefits or harmful elements of them.
This colourless or white mineral can appear in many forms. When particular elements are included in the crystal matrix, a variety of different colours can be expressed. When under pressure, calcite releases electrical impulses, and this allows it to be used as an energetic amplifier. It is a stone of remembrance, and can trigger memories from the mind or within the cells of the body. As a teacher, calcite is used to assist with education in spirit and mind by having multi-directional abilities with its energy. The various colours of calcite correspond to the different energy centres or chakras in one's energy field, and can be used in the balancing, healing, and empowerment of each one.
This white-red or yellow mineral can often appear hexagonal. It is a purifying stone that helps to detoxify the body during times of healing. It is a calming stone and carnallite is associated with the physical realm. It helps one to develop an edge in life that inspired the intellect through spiritual development. It has also been used to help to unblock energies formed during times of abuse.
Carnelian is a form of chalcedony and often manifests as a red, orange, or brown stone. As a stimulant, it helps to empower the intellect and analytical skills by increasing the ability of perception towards one's own abilities. As a protector, carnelian helps shield from feelings fear, rage, envy, and sorrow. It is also useful in ridding oneself of apathy or a passive attitude. It helps awaken ones ability to accept the love that is self and all things, and the rare pink variety of carnelian is especially known for this property.
This yellow powdery or druzy formation mineral is an activation stone for the nurturing elements within our personality. Carnotite is known for its ability to formulate compassionate and considerate feelings in the holder, giving way to sensations of belonging and togetherness. Carnotite is also used to bring about the courage to follow instinctual messages from the body, without thinking, causing direct responsibility to all situations.
Carrollite forms in octahedral or massive crystals and appears as a silvery grey with partial violet or peach colourings. It is a grounding stone and can assist in the balancing and bringing down to earth of the chakra energies. This stone helps us to appreciate that love overcomes fear and the self is situated within a grand network of love which fear causes blockages to. Carrollite is known to be used in assisting finding one's own voice and providing clarity with words.
This solidified clay displays a red or rosy pink colour. It is a traditional stone of the Native American Indians, who would use it to make totems and piped instruments. Catlinite has been said to enhance our skills and create shielding from negativity.
Cat's Eye
This formation of quartz or chrysoberyl contains a chatoyancy meaning that it resembles a cat's eye. The chatoyancy is caused by the inclusions of other fibrous minerals, often asbestos. There are many varying colours of cat's eye stone. Cat's eye is said to bring its owner luck, and enhances attunement to intuition and awareness. It is said to be used in the expulsion of unwanted energies in the etheric energetic field.
This green to deep blue orthorhombic stone is said to stimulate the intuition and bring about the ability of second sight. As a psychic stone, it can be useful in healing from one to another using the power of positive thought. By encouraging a mindful attitude towards the environment, it help us to beak bad habits which could be harmful to our surroundings. Cavansite is used in mediations on reflection and self governance.
This stone forms in many varieties of shape including granular masses, orthorhombic tabular crystals, and nodules. Celestite is mainly blue but can often be red, orange, yellow, white, or brown. As a mental activator, celestite can be used in analytical tasks or when undergoing difficult mental tasks. By allowing the higher reasoning of rational thought to truly embrace complicated situations, celestite allows one to make sense of the physical realm more accurately. On energetic terms, celestite is helpful in the balancing of yin-yang energies in the auric fields, and can trigger enlightening images and stories in order to establish deeper sensations of truth,
This mineral can form in masses, granules, stalactites, clusters or solitary crystals. Cerussite is a grounding stone and helps the holder to find an inner comfort zone in any situation, it's said to be helpful for business travel. Cerussite is an assistant to growth in every one of life's aspects, and is said to be powerful in the decisiveness required in decision making. As a communicator stone, cerussite is noted for its ability to improve method and clarity in communications, and encourages flare in creativity on an intellectual level.
This rhombohedral or prismatic hexagonal stone can appear in a variety of colours including red, yellow, pink, red or green. Chabazite is known for helping the holder to find order in life, realigning mental and emotional focus onto matters that are the most key in all situations. It also help one to isolate self in a busy environment, in order to remain focused and in tune with self while making decisions. Chabazite has been used to help in the curing of addictions.
This quartz family member is either transparent or opaque. This is a sacred stone to the Native American Indians, which enhanced stability within tribal relationships. As a psychic communication mineral, chalcedony has been used to receive messages in thought form. It is a balancing agent, and can be used to assist with the balancing of the emotions with the physical and mental bodies. Chalcedony can be helpful in the nurturing of togetherness within groups, and a family type bond is fortified with this stone.
This brassy yellow to green mineral forms in tetrahedra with sphenoidal faces, in botryoidal or reniform masses, and octahedrals. It has been useful in the finding of lost possessions, and has also been said to disappear from time to time in order to recover new information for the owner. As a perception building stone, chalcopyrite can be used to enhance one's ability to connect with their ancient heritage. It can help to understand the methods and thinking of different cultures.
This mass or druze presenting mineral often occurs in Russia. It is mainly pink or purple, and sometimes contains inclusions of quartz. Charoite allows a connectivity between the heart and crown chakras which allows an element of unconditional love to flow between self and the higher dimensions of being. This stone clears negative energies and is also grounding, so is used in healing the aura from energetic blockages and trauma residue. This is a brotherhood stone, which fortifies the bonds between self and others, allowing letting go of physical bonds when necessary. Charoite has been used to help increase the attention span, which in turn can assist with visualisation and manifestation.
This type of andalusite occurs in stubby crystals which combine an axis of mineral that varies in colour to the main form. As a cross stone, this particular formation has been used to ward off the evil eye and to reflect negative intentions. It is a symbolic stone of death and re-birth, allowing the transmutation of spiritual energies and the following changes that manifest in the self. Chastolite is said to be useful in creativity and in finding methods of change, including the mind-sets required for problem solving.
Chlorite can be in a number of varying forms, including clinochlore, diabantite, daphnite, kammererite, and penninite. This is a healing stone and contains a totally positive energy. Chlorite assists in the cooperation between all peoples and is used to purify the energies between them. This stone directly dissipates anger and hostile feelings, and can be used to remove spiritual energetic implants such as blockages caused by psychological grooming.
Chrysanthemum Stone
This multi mineral stone contains a mixture of gypsum clay, dolomite, limestone, or porphyry, with shard inclusions of andalusite, celestite, feldspar, or calcite which form a patter which resemble blooming chrysanthemum flowers in the autumn. This stone allows the holder to flow more easily through the experiences of life and to appreciate each new situation as it presents the wisdom within. Chrysanthemum stone helps to bring joy to each moment and dispels prejudice and bigotry by removing self-righteous attitudes. This mineral is used to remove obstacles and problems that are preventing further advancement.
This hexagonal or tabular crystal can be found in green, yellow, honey, or red varieties. This stone is a stone of personal power and is used to increase one's own strengths. It harmonises the third and seventh chakras providing an increase of intellect in physical actions. As a stone of immortality, it allows the holder to accept the transience of life but to always strive for personal betterment in all aspects. Chysoberyl allows an inner feeling of peace between the intellect and the physical bodies, and allows one to be generous towards self.
This blue green or black mineral forms in layers, crusts, botryoidal configurations, or tiny needles. Once fashioned into a gem, this stone is known as gem silica. On an energetic level, chrysocolla assists in the healing of the navel, base, and solar plexus centres, and can be useful in healing heartache by providing a revitalitising effect on the holders ability to love unconditionally. This stone is also used to help prolong periods of needed quiet time and silence between people, in order to allow tensions or hurt to freely heal. Chrysocolla is a stone of harmony and can be used to help brig balance in relationships and to heal the effects of distressing situations.
This stone is a form of green chalcedony which is said to be useful in the balancing of yin-yang energies and for balancing all the chakras within the ethereal plane. Chrysoprase has been used to help provide an attitude of grace when going about one's duties and allows a level of compassion and non-judgement to assert within thought. This stone is used to help alleviate inferiority or superiority complexes, at the same time as helping to find the perfection within self ad to continually adjust actions to reflect this.
This flexible and delicate fibrous mineral can appear as various shades of green as well as yellow, white, or red. This is a bonding mineral that can help attract objects of desire but also prevents us from becoming attached to material possessions. Chrysotile helps the holder to discover their true self and to release their emotional baggage. This stone has been used in the assisting of telepathic communication, both sending and receiving messages, and also allows one to find the wisdom within experiences to allow them to carry out their actions in the best way possible at the given time.
This mineral often forms as a compact granular mass, rhombohedral tabular, or thin needle like crystals. It can appear as a shade of red called vermilion or as a brown-grey colour. Cinnabar has sometimes been known as the merchant's stone. For this reason, it is often used within business. It can be used to provide a fluency language when in conversation as well as reduce aggression by inspiring a more gently assertive mentality.
This mineral is a variety of yellow quartz, which ranges in tone. Citrine is known for not holding on to negative energy which is a rare trait only known in two stones. Another merchant's stone, it is said that keeping one in the cash box encourages financial growth. Citrine is used to balance the yin-yang energies and to balance the chakras on the ethereal plane. This crystal is beneficial to all the chakras and can enliven and harmonise the energy of them all to varying degrees. It can encourage success in business and relationships an also is said to be useful at healing fractures in close bonds.
This white stone forms in lamellar masses. Its energy is said to span the life force of the physical, astral, and ethereal realms, bringing a deeper sense of wisdom to matters that concern all three. It can help the holder to align action to set out plans and goals. It is a great mineral for balancing the decision making process when making plans. Clevelandite is used to build fortification to relationships, and helps one to appreciate qualities of others.
This white, colourless, yellow, or green stone forms in granular masses and tabular crystals. It is a healing stone for relationship issues, and can stimulate recovery on the physical, emotional, and intellectual levels. Clinochlore assists one to find independence, and to appreciate that all things are growing in spirit. This stone is used to benefit the feelings of nurture and care required for healing close bonds.
Columbite is a dark black, grey, or red coloured stone that forms rectangular or regular prisms, pyramids, and masses. It is an activation stone that works with every chakra, as well as providing a layer of energetic protection during this process. Columbite is associated with great and deep insight, especially in the moment of challenge or confrontation with obstacle. It can also help us to take action that prevents future troubles from being as serious.
Cookeite is a white, yellow, pink, or brown mineral that occurs in plates or round shaped aggregates. It has been used in the process of gridding, and ensures a calm atmosphere in this work. Cookeite can be used to assist flexibility in thought and body, making one more aaptable to new situations. It is a stone of problem solving and of objective inspection of circumstances, bringing forth relevant guidance. Cookeite is also said to be helpful in the provision of tactile skills in delegation.
Copal has an organic origin and is similar in nature to amber. It mainly occurs as yellow, or red/brown. It is used to activate the crown chakra while remaining physically conscious. By assisting awareness in meditation, copal can be used to identify with the emptiness within the spiritual being. It is used to remove blockages of spiritual energy and allows a connectivity to humanity.
This hard mineral forms crystalline grains, masses, and tabular rhombohedral prisms. It occurs in many varieties of colour including, red, blue, orange, pink, purple, green, yellow, bronze, black, or grey. All colours of gem quality corundum are termed sapphire, apart from red, which is ruby. This mineral assists in the provision of insight into unknown situations, and allows the holder to move more freely on an emotional level by assisting in the letting go of non helpful bonds and behaviours.
This indigo blue mineral forms in plates, foliates, masses, and occasionally as a crystal. It is used to activate the third eye chakra, and encourages a positive and encouraging outlook. This is a manifestation stone that can be used to bring visualisations and dreams into material being. It is a reflective stone, allowing the holder to reflect on past actions and patterns with a positive but discerning eye. Covellite can be used to assist with removing feelings of despondency and lack of motivation. When placed on the navel chakra, it is said that Covellite assists in the cleaning from toxins.
This green mineral forms as small orthorhombic crystals, cluster of such, druses, or granular aggregates. This stone carries an energy of empowerment and responsibility. Cuproadamite can be used to help bring about self-discipline and determination. For this reason, it is used to help bring about goals and structured plans that require continual attention. This stone benefits the owner by instilling a feeling of being supported. This stone of patience helps to assert the fact that things require time to establish and manifest, and acts as a reminder to continually apply effort to achieve results.
This blue to colourless mineral forms soft druses in spherical layouts. It is said to activate initiative and thoughts of a problem solving nature applied with confidence. It can increase motivation, and hels the owner to search new paths to follow. Cyanotrichite is said to assert self in situations that require strong leadership and can be used to bring an element of authority to one's work. It is said that cyannotrichite can be used to improve planning skills and to dispell hateful or angry feelings within conversation.