This white mineral is found in prismatic crystals. It is said to have the energy of the sublime and to activate and clear the heart chakra. It is said to enliven the holder and create a happy attitude. Valentinite is said to bring love and to sustain loving relationships, allowing further bonding. It is used to assist with meditation and to inspire time to practice it. This stone is believed to allow a psychic connection with those we love.
This red, orange, yellow, or brown mineral is found in globular masses, hollow prismatic crystals, and barrel shaped crystals. It is said to assist the mental process and to provide a bridge between intelligence and thought. During meditation, vanadinite is said to bring a deep sense of emptiness and inner peace. It is also believed to enhance the psychic abilities. This mineral is sad to bring order to life and to allow greater definition of goals.
This blue mineral is found in radial aggregates and tabular crystals. It is used in the settling of arguments and is said to smooth irritable characters, annoying attitudes, and emotional trauma. Vauxite allows one to overlook annoyances and to be unaffected by them in life. This mineral is said to discourage others from putting their troubles onto the holder and enables a feeling of freedom. It is said to stimulate the third eye and give rise to psychic visions.
This green mineral is occasionally mottled with yellow, red, white, or lighter green. It is similar to serpentine. It is used to gain access to ancient information and to make connections with the spirit plane. It is believed to increase fortitude and consistency, allowing a reliable reputation in the physical realm. It is believed that verdite is stimulating to the Kundalini energy and also works to dispel abrasiveness of character.
This green to blue mineral is found in granular aggregations and prismatic crystals. It is used to release one from trivial matters and can work to provide harmony to sexuality and emotions. Verzelyite is believed to work well in acting careers and promotes the ability of mathematicians. It is said to bring a truthfulness to situations and allows a desire for correctness. It is believed that verzelyite is able to allow fluent expression of the self and to encourage detailed recounting of visions and dreams.
This blue, green, or colourless mineral is found in prismatic crystals, stellate crystals, incrustations, fibres, and globules. It is said to provide for love and inspiration and allows a glowing energy to life. Vivianite is said to bring wisdom regarding to crop circles including the symbolic meaning and the methods of creation. It is said to promote the setting of personal targets and the energy to achieve them. It is said to grant an optimism and a strong attitude towards obstacles.