This lustrous volcanic glass is found in a range of colours and forms. As a whole, this mineral is used to promote an understanding of the flaws within one's personality and how to address them. This stone can sometimes be blunt in the delivery of its information, and provides vivid pictures of what is necessary in order to change. Obsidian is also believed to shield from negativity, transforming it into benign or even positive energy in the process.
The various forms of obsidian are as follows.
Apache Tear
This stone is usually black to clear, with violet or green present. It is mythologically seen as the tears of Native American women as they mourned warriors driven off a cliff. It is used as a comforting stone during times of grief and loss. It is believed to shed tears in our stead, when pain is too deep to actualise. Apache Tear is also believed to promote the powers of analysis and forgiveness, providing a release from barriers we set ourselves.
Black, Grey, Brown Obsidian.
This variety is used for gazing, in which the holder gazes into the surface of the crystal in order to receive information. It is used is shamanic healing to remove chaotic energies from the aura and body. Black obsidian is beneficial to creative abilities, grey obsidian is used to promote cooperation, and brown obsidian is known for empowering the intuition.
Blue Obsidian
This stone is used to activate the throat chakra, promoting all aspects of communication. Blue obsidian is used to benefit telepathy and can be used to assist in the telling of tarot cards and other methods of divination. It is believed that blue obsidian is a powerful aid to astral travel, providing protection and innate knowledge during the process.
Gold Sheen Obsidian
This stone is used to gazing, and is said to provide knowledge as to the root of problems. It is said to provide a definition for the steps of our path which can provide deep insight into healing and shamanic work. Gold sheen obsidian is used to dispel an overactive ego and the feeling of futility.
Green Obsidian
This variety is used to activate the heart chakra, allowing a cleansing energy and a purifying effect. It is said that green obsidian can promote a sense of euphoria and well being due to the removal of unwanted energy ties in our aura.
Purple Obsidian
This variety is used to enhance the spiritual self, allowing growth and development. It is said to benefit clairvoyant ability and allows for deeper introspection. Purple obsidian is believed to allow a connectivity between intuition and intellect, giving rise to higher wisdom. If the purple is a sheen then the stone is known for excellent crystal gazing properties.
Rainbow Obsidian
This mineral is said to bring love and light into one's life, awakening self to a deeper spiritual nature of existence. Rainbow obsidian is a stone of pleasure, known for attracting enjoyable circumstances.
Red Obsidian
Red obsidian works on the physical body and allows a balancing of the male and female energies. It is used to promote physical energy and vigour to life, removing the need to identify self as an individual but as part of the whole.
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Silver sheen obsidian is used to peer through the outer layers and become aware of the core issues of our problems. It is said to allow one to seek advantages in life and to find mirrors to awaken to matters of the spirit and soul.
Snowflake Obsidian
This black variety contains inclusions of phenocryst which demonstrate snowflake like designs. It is used to recognise unnecessary patterns in life and allows us to re-arrange matters accordingly. Snowflake obsidian is used to manifest serenity and calm when in isolation and can improve meditative states. It is believed to be a stone of purity, bringing cleansing and healing energy to the body.
This tiny geode is said to promote victory, and to be lucky in gambling and risk taking. It has a conductive energy which enables the free spirit to shine, bringing a sense of perfection to one's actions. Ocho is used to promote a sense of trust in one's surroundings, attributing truth to communication and contact.
This translucent and glassy mineral is a type of feldspar that forms as veins, crystals, and masses. It is said to resonate with a sustaining energy, allowing us to stick to our given situations and see them through. Oligoclase is said to be helpful in the learning to trust, and reduces the need to declare personal territories.
This white stone with yellow or blue is found as blade shaped crystals and fibrous snowball resembling interlaced masses. Okenite is said to be a stone of the new age, bringing a sense of coming home to those who hold it. It is used to allow the conscious acceptance of our higher self, ending denial and bringing new beginnings to fruition. It is used to cleanse the chakras and to address imbalances in the emotions, mental, spiritual, and physical planes.
This variety of chalcedony can be a mixture of black, white, red, honey, and brown.This stone is said to centre the alignment of a total being with the higher forces. It can be used to diminish grief, enable self control, bring forward the ability to make thought out decisions, and to bring good luck. Onyx is believed to allow a better clarity to intuition and allows one to be aware of the whole while addressing a particular issue.
This mineral forms in many varieties and colours. It is used to increase personality and allows confidence in self. It is believed to enhance the memory and increase fidelity across all areas. Opal is used to become metaphorically invisible, allowing one to blend in with their surroundings as to not be conspicuous. The various forms of specific opal are as follows.
Andean Opal
This stone contains a spiral or swirl or colour, usually pink, black, beige, or blue. It is used for centring the heart chakra as well as for balancing and grounding. When used in spiritual journeying, Andean opal is used for protection and allows clarity in choices of destination. It is said to promote awareness of right action.
Black Opal
This black to grey variety displays spectral colours. It is a stone for grounding and for enhancing doing and activity. This stone is used for crystal gazing, allowing us to see matters from both past, present, and future. Black opal is known as a key and directional agent to inner knowing, intuition, and dream recall.
Blue Opal
This blue variety of opal is found in Canada. It is used to enhance abilities of communication, granting courage to voicing unspoken thoughts. It is also used to activate creativity and allows intuitive and intellectual appreciation in vision work. Blue opal has been used to activate the third eye chakra, magnifying visions and providing insight into useful connections.
Boulder Opal
This stone is brown and occasionally contains a flame type formation. It is found in rounded or elliptical shaped boulders. These stones are formed very slowly within the body of the Earth. This stone is believed to connect us to the stars, facilitating journeying and gaining of deep wisdom. Boulder opal is used to cleanse the aura and allows a connection between conscious and unconscious thought.
Boulder Matrix Fire Opal
This form of opal is found in Queensland, Australia. They are formed from an iron stone mix with gemmy opal and is found within seams, nodes, stalactites, and stalagmites. It is a stone of pure and intense energy, bringing a calming and centring effect to the auric energies, providing wisdom and intuition towards the root causes of current issues. Boulder Matrix Fire Opal is believed to connect us to the stars, providing a cleansing and brightening effect to our aura, and allowing a connection between spirit and animal guides.
Cherry Opal
This clear variety is found as orange, red, or pink. IT is used to activate the base and sacral chakras, providing balance and energy therein. It is believed to enhance accuracy, practicality, and to improve clairvoyant qualities. Cherry opal is said to alleviate muscle tension.
Common Opal
This variety of gem is found in a variety of colours including white, green, grey, black, brown, purple, and colourless. It is said to allow the gain and retention of money, and to improve one's sense of self worth. Common opal is said to stimulate the proper flow of energy and to allow greater connectivity to our higher self.
Fire Opal
This red to orange variety of opal contains spectral colour called fire. This mineral is believed to represent mysterious forces that bring progress and change. The energy of fire opal allows the holder to reflect on life's processes and to intuitively understand the reasoning for prior events. It is said to promote balance in stressful situations and to allow us to refrain from burning out.
Golden Opal
This form of opal is orange and does not contain spectral fire. It is used to promote the definition and focussing of self limiting attitudes, empowering the crown chakra and connecting it to the etheric plane. This stone is used to remove spiritual blockages which inhibit progression. Golden opal is believed to remove negativity stored up in the base, navel, and solar plexus chakras.
Green Opal
This stone is used to benefit the act of fasting and dieting. Green opal is believed to promote a cleansing and detoxifying of the body and aura, bringing better problem solving skills and enhancing relaxation. This mineral is said to bring knowledge of self control and destiny as one facet, and can assist in seeing we always get what we ask for.
Pink Opal
This lavender to cream coloured mineral is termed the peppermint candy stone. It is used to provide an energy of renewal and acceptance of all that is. It is believed to eliminate old behaviour patterns that no longer serve our life. Pink opal is known as a stone of spiritual awakening, allowing greater creativity and aspects of actualisation and healing of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical unrest.
Red Opal
This stone is believed to grant access to a positive aggressive energy, giving a balanced and cooperative sense to the mind, forcing reprogramming of self with positive thoughts. Red opal is said to bring unlimited aid to the manifestation of positive outcomes.
White Opal
This milky white stone contains spectral colours. It is used to activate the crown chakra, and to give way to extreme mental clarity. White opal is believed to bring calm amidst times of chaos. It is said to bring skill to business and give inspiration from our surroundings.
Water Opal
This colourless and transparent mineral shows a spectral range of colour. It is used for crystal gazing and to bring forth visions from the ends of time. Water opal is believed to bring clarity and comprehension to the notion of the body as only a temporary stay for our personal being, snd is said to bring comfort during times of near death.
This yellow stone is found as reniform surfaces columnar and foliated masses, and small crystals. It is used to activate the powers of intellect and to purify th energy of the solar plexus chakra. Orpiment is used to facilitate growth where previously stunted or stifled by circumstances, and it is believed to bring assistance when making vital decisions.
This type of feldspar includes moonstone and adularia. It is believed to assist in healing from tragedy and to cleanse feelings of rebelliousness. It is said that orthoclase resonates with a lively energy inducing pleasantness and tact. This stone is used to establish psychic contact with the ancient builders of Egypt, bringing awareness to their wisdom and traditions.
This black, pink, grey, blue, or brown mineral is found in hexagons. It is said to enhance personal healing ability and ability to sense the natural flow of the Earth's energy fields. Osumilite is believed to bring clarity in psychic reading and to bring soothing energy to the aura, cleansing the environment especially after undesired circumstances.
This silvery white to steel grey mineral forms in needle shaped crystals and masses. It is used to bring wisdom and to allow further growth of the soul. Owyheeite provides comforting energy when paying debts, and reduces the ability of others to make bad debts with us. This stone is used to provide relief from compulsive shopping.
This lustrous volcanic glass is found in a range of colours and forms. As a whole, this mineral is used to promote an understanding of the flaws within one's personality and how to address them. This stone can sometimes be blunt in the delivery of its information, and provides vivid pictures of what is necessary in order to change. Obsidian is also believed to shield from negativity, transforming it into benign or even positive energy in the process.
The various forms of obsidian are as follows.
Apache Tear
This stone is usually black to clear, with violet or green present. It is mythologically seen as the tears of Native American women as they mourned warriors driven off a cliff. It is used as a comforting stone during times of grief and loss. It is believed to shed tears in our stead, when pain is too deep to actualise. Apache Tear is also believed to promote the powers of analysis and forgiveness, providing a release from barriers we set ourselves.
Black, Grey, Brown Obsidian.
This variety is used for gazing, in which the holder gazes into the surface of the crystal in order to receive information. It is used is shamanic healing to remove chaotic energies from the aura and body. Black obsidian is beneficial to creative abilities, grey obsidian is used to promote cooperation, and brown obsidian is known for empowering the intuition.
Blue Obsidian
This stone is used to activate the throat chakra, promoting all aspects of communication. Blue obsidian is used to benefit telepathy and can be used to assist in the telling of tarot cards and other methods of divination. It is believed that blue obsidian is a powerful aid to astral travel, providing protection and innate knowledge during the process.
Gold Sheen Obsidian
This stone is used to gazing, and is said to provide knowledge as to the root of problems. It is said to provide a definition for the steps of our path which can provide deep insight into healing and shamanic work. Gold sheen obsidian is used to dispel an overactive ego and the feeling of futility.
Green Obsidian
This variety is used to activate the heart chakra, allowing a cleansing energy and a purifying effect. It is said that green obsidian can promote a sense of euphoria and well being due to the removal of unwanted energy ties in our aura.
Purple Obsidian
This variety is used to enhance the spiritual self, allowing growth and development. It is said to benefit clairvoyant ability and allows for deeper introspection. Purple obsidian is believed to allow a connectivity between intuition and intellect, giving rise to higher wisdom. If the purple is a sheen then the stone is known for excellent crystal gazing properties.
Rainbow Obsidian
This mineral is said to bring love and light into one's life, awakening self to a deeper spiritual nature of existence. Rainbow obsidian is a stone of pleasure, known for attracting enjoyable circumstances.
Red Obsidian
Red obsidian works on the physical body and allows a balancing of the male and female energies. It is used to promote physical energy and vigour to life, removing the need to identify self as an individual but as part of the whole.
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Silver sheen obsidian is used to peer through the outer layers and become aware of the core issues of our problems. It is said to allow one to seek advantages in life and to find mirrors to awaken to matters of the spirit and soul.
Snowflake Obsidian
This black variety contains inclusions of phenocryst which demonstrate snowflake like designs. It is used to recognise unnecessary patterns in life and allows us to re-arrange matters accordingly. Snowflake obsidian is used to manifest serenity and calm when in isolation and can improve meditative states. It is believed to be a stone of purity, bringing cleansing and healing energy to the body.
This tiny geode is said to promote victory, and to be lucky in gambling and risk taking. It has a conductive energy which enables the free spirit to shine, bringing a sense of perfection to one's actions. Ocho is used to promote a sense of trust in one's surroundings, attributing truth to communication and contact.
This translucent and glassy mineral is a type of feldspar that forms as veins, crystals, and masses. It is said to resonate with a sustaining energy, allowing us to stick to our given situations and see them through. Oligoclase is said to be helpful in the learning to trust, and reduces the need to declare personal territories.
This white stone with yellow or blue is found as blade shaped crystals and fibrous snowball resembling interlaced masses. Okenite is said to be a stone of the new age, bringing a sense of coming home to those who hold it. It is used to allow the conscious acceptance of our higher self, ending denial and bringing new beginnings to fruition. It is used to cleanse the chakras and to address imbalances in the emotions, mental, spiritual, and physical planes.
This variety of chalcedony can be a mixture of black, white, red, honey, and brown.This stone is said to centre the alignment of a total being with the higher forces. It can be used to diminish grief, enable self control, bring forward the ability to make thought out decisions, and to bring good luck. Onyx is believed to allow a better clarity to intuition and allows one to be aware of the whole while addressing a particular issue.
This mineral forms in many varieties and colours. It is used to increase personality and allows confidence in self. It is believed to enhance the memory and increase fidelity across all areas. Opal is used to become metaphorically invisible, allowing one to blend in with their surroundings as to not be conspicuous. The various forms of specific opal are as follows.
Andean Opal
This stone contains a spiral or swirl or colour, usually pink, black, beige, or blue. It is used for centring the heart chakra as well as for balancing and grounding. When used in spiritual journeying, Andean opal is used for protection and allows clarity in choices of destination. It is said to promote awareness of right action.
Black Opal
This black to grey variety displays spectral colours. It is a stone for grounding and for enhancing doing and activity. This stone is used for crystal gazing, allowing us to see matters from both past, present, and future. Black opal is known as a key and directional agent to inner knowing, intuition, and dream recall.
Blue Opal
This blue variety of opal is found in Canada. It is used to enhance abilities of communication, granting courage to voicing unspoken thoughts. It is also used to activate creativity and allows intuitive and intellectual appreciation in vision work. Blue opal has been used to activate the third eye chakra, magnifying visions and providing insight into useful connections.
Boulder Opal
This stone is brown and occasionally contains a flame type formation. It is found in rounded or elliptical shaped boulders. These stones are formed very slowly within the body of the Earth. This stone is believed to connect us to the stars, facilitating journeying and gaining of deep wisdom. Boulder opal is used to cleanse the aura and allows a connection between conscious and unconscious thought.
Boulder Matrix Fire Opal
This form of opal is found in Queensland, Australia. They are formed from an iron stone mix with gemmy opal and is found within seams, nodes, stalactites, and stalagmites. It is a stone of pure and intense energy, bringing a calming and centring effect to the auric energies, providing wisdom and intuition towards the root causes of current issues. Boulder Matrix Fire Opal is believed to connect us to the stars, providing a cleansing and brightening effect to our aura, and allowing a connection between spirit and animal guides.
Cherry Opal
This clear variety is found as orange, red, or pink. IT is used to activate the base and sacral chakras, providing balance and energy therein. It is believed to enhance accuracy, practicality, and to improve clairvoyant qualities. Cherry opal is said to alleviate muscle tension.
Common Opal
This variety of gem is found in a variety of colours including white, green, grey, black, brown, purple, and colourless. It is said to allow the gain and retention of money, and to improve one's sense of self worth. Common opal is said to stimulate the proper flow of energy and to allow greater connectivity to our higher self.
Fire Opal
This red to orange variety of opal contains spectral colour called fire. This mineral is believed to represent mysterious forces that bring progress and change. The energy of fire opal allows the holder to reflect on life's processes and to intuitively understand the reasoning for prior events. It is said to promote balance in stressful situations and to allow us to refrain from burning out.
Golden Opal
This form of opal is orange and does not contain spectral fire. It is used to promote the definition and focussing of self limiting attitudes, empowering the crown chakra and connecting it to the etheric plane. This stone is used to remove spiritual blockages which inhibit progression. Golden opal is believed to remove negativity stored up in the base, navel, and solar plexus chakras.
Green Opal
This stone is used to benefit the act of fasting and dieting. Green opal is believed to promote a cleansing and detoxifying of the body and aura, bringing better problem solving skills and enhancing relaxation. This mineral is said to bring knowledge of self control and destiny as one facet, and can assist in seeing we always get what we ask for.
Pink Opal
This lavender to cream coloured mineral is termed the peppermint candy stone. It is used to provide an energy of renewal and acceptance of all that is. It is believed to eliminate old behaviour patterns that no longer serve our life. Pink opal is known as a stone of spiritual awakening, allowing greater creativity and aspects of actualisation and healing of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical unrest.
Red Opal
This stone is believed to grant access to a positive aggressive energy, giving a balanced and cooperative sense to the mind, forcing reprogramming of self with positive thoughts. Red opal is said to bring unlimited aid to the manifestation of positive outcomes.
White Opal
This milky white stone contains spectral colours. It is used to activate the crown chakra, and to give way to extreme mental clarity. White opal is believed to bring calm amidst times of chaos. It is said to bring skill to business and give inspiration from our surroundings.
Water Opal
This colourless and transparent mineral shows a spectral range of colour. It is used for crystal gazing and to bring forth visions from the ends of time. Water opal is believed to bring clarity and comprehension to the notion of the body as only a temporary stay for our personal being, snd is said to bring comfort during times of near death.
This yellow stone is found as reniform surfaces columnar and foliated masses, and small crystals. It is used to activate the powers of intellect and to purify th energy of the solar plexus chakra. Orpiment is used to facilitate growth where previously stunted or stifled by circumstances, and it is believed to bring assistance when making vital decisions.
This type of feldspar includes moonstone and adularia. It is believed to assist in healing from tragedy and to cleanse feelings of rebelliousness. It is said that orthoclase resonates with a lively energy inducing pleasantness and tact. This stone is used to establish psychic contact with the ancient builders of Egypt, bringing awareness to their wisdom and traditions.
This black, pink, grey, blue, or brown mineral is found in hexagons. It is said to enhance personal healing ability and ability to sense the natural flow of the Earth's energy fields. Osumilite is believed to bring clarity in psychic reading and to bring soothing energy to the aura, cleansing the environment especially after undesired circumstances.
This silvery white to steel grey mineral forms in needle shaped crystals and masses. It is used to bring wisdom and to allow further growth of the soul. Owyheeite provides comforting energy when paying debts, and reduces the ability of others to make bad debts with us. This stone is used to provide relief from compulsive shopping.