EP 2
Young Sheffield talent on the psychedelic rock scene, If You Kept On Spiralling bring a new breed of space-grunge to our listener’s doorstep with EP2. It brings emotively composed high energy post-rock, garnished with a delicious nineties nostalgia.
The rolling stone from Temple of Doom springs to mind as the ‘arms in the air’ melody cuts in from the ambience which marks the beginning of this EP. A happy pulsing bass frames expertly placed percussion work as sunshine riffs endow the vocalist whose distorted musings echo and reverberate in classic man-feels style.
A quality beyond the usual, although created with shoe strings and cello-tape, a lifetime of young talent shows once again that it’s the human being that makes art, not how much cash we chuck on the corporate fire. Sure, if these guys want their sound to reach all who would love it, they’ll need a bit of a shove, and let’s face it, by the sound of this EP their momentum is catching.
Soundtracks of summery memories seem to play in my mind as the funky guitar effects springboard from crash cymbals and lyrics anyone can sing along to. I can envisage If You Kept On Spiralling playing to large crowds and enjoying the sea of spectators merging with the sound in a swell of body and voice. It’s fresh, it’s fun and it seems to fit nicely into my tastes from many directions all at once. I’m slightly overwhelmed by quality.
You can hear their work on bandcamp, EP2 is available to buy as an mp3 download for what you are prepared to give.
Rowan Blair Colver