Well, I was stood up by myself within a few seconds as the incredible punch of guitar worship threw me into the back of my seat with a G-force on the G-spot of musical delivery. The perfection that followed, for me, was briefly put on hold hen the singer began to add their new layer, and it took a verse and a bit for me to adjust myself to their tone. I'm glad I took the time as now I'm used to him, the gruff and keyless drapery that flags the swelling ocean of distorted guitars and smashing cymbalic drumming really does the business.
Splendid emotive riffs and licks froth like coca-cola as the pedal work and deeply pushed and compressed wave jockeying of the effects rack make something crazy out of abstract forcings of sound that although obey many of the technical rules of musicianship, simply over step the mark with huge cuttings to their analogue patterns.
Comic book song titles match their sound and artwork to the menu and their self confidence is a dead giveaway as the track “Riffborn” treats us to some fancy chord throws which could match Led Zep or Hendrix given the right time period. It's a good job that the vocals are kept to a minimum at times as the actual power behind this group lies in the music, and the words float along like small ducks. I like it, without the human voice we'd soon be wondering what the album was all about and if the words became prominent, we'd lose the specialness of that chunky sonic wall that fills our face.
Sludgy, blues orientated and with manliness pushed to an extra level of beard, the psychedelic goth fest which grows from this plant pot of rock n roll grows on me with each new track. The short album is perhaps a good idea, because the dense and rich songs really take a lot of focus to appreciate to the full. It's like deeply flavoured red wine, where the wholeness of the flavour makes a smaller portion a bit more appropriate.
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