Album Review
By Rowan Blair Colver
Originally published in Now Then Magazine issue 70
Totally immersing themselves in the 80s and then rising from the flames like a modern day phoenix of cutting edge easy going rock with space age futuristic directions, the album provides a thrilling and thoughtful journey through the imagination of a group of young musicians signed to Melodic, a Manchester based label.
During the lowly cast light of mid-winter December sunshine I switched on my stereo and was blasted with the most welcome sonic air conditioning of warmth and uplifting clarity brought to me by the opening track ‘This Haze’. It sounds like summer, and with the intro riff combining what appears to be a saxophone and a human voice, a simple crash of drums kicks up a vocal line reminiscent of M83. Pretty sparkles from the guitar section with major 6ths all over the place with the melodies, we have an instant mind massaging hit. A smooth bass line and reliable drumming presents the perfect scene for the wandering but spot on voice delivery.
Another swoosh brings in the next track, ‘Blood’ and I get a more relaxed feel to this one. An astounding guitar riff frames the verse lines which completes the mastery to the sound. I am continually impressed with the uplifting sensations brought by the tunes and the vocal lines. There are keyboards, they twinkle behind the rock like a cosmic wave and as the musicians calm like the drawing tide we are exposed to their flowing continuality. I am at this point reminded of U2, and I can imagine The Edge tapping his foot to this one.
Some great harmonies begin the next track, and as the drums and music revs up the singing continues with some hypnotic repetition in a mantra like swirl of spiralling energy. I now realise that this group offer consistency and quality. Although the mood once again is shifting, the awareness behind it remains constant, and this makes me feel safe. I like music that flows well, and this certainly does.
Song after song, I am met with expertly mastered, clear warmth and innocence. The album is like driving a sports car through summer fields and forests, mountains and beaches. The air is delicious, the landscape changes around us, from one to another as we travel through the experience, but the engine, the comfy seat, the company of travellers, they are the same. A road trip CD, most definitely. And what better way to warm the cockles during these cold and icy months?