Originally printed in Now Then Magazine Issue 78 in September 14
A mycelium of click track groove swells into fruition to create a trance-like swirl of sound. Ryan Lee West, aka Rival Consoles, returns with Sonne, following on from last year’s Odyssey EP. Moody interludes and swelling string synths are enveloped by cheeky electro blips and pops which saturate the offbeat breaks.
The modestly titled ‘3 Chords’ open with a swooping bass delivery only a stone’s throw from the dancefloor. This swift but smooth race through the mind of a musician creates an enchanting experience. The relaxed and pleasant sensation of ‘Recovery’ soon builds into something more. A funky rhythmic drive gives a framework for crystalline bells to play their smooth and delicate melodies.
The ability to create a feeling of depth and emotive introspection with a chord change is astonishing. With the skill knitted into the formation of each bar, my mind is treated to something unique in the aptly titled ‘Haunt’. It’s spooky but beautiful. Perhaps my inner goth is raising its murky head.
I get memories of Moby with the chilled but slightly frantic undertones. Expert psychology brings music into its own league as my mind is swung from left to right with a pressurising beat of numerical perfection served with a holistic glow. Towards the end of the EP the colours really begin to fly, as although temperate and mild, the passion is in the detail.
As a sculptor of the sound wave and an engraver of the beat, Rival Consoles is defining the term ‘musical artist’ with precision and clarity. Taking care of the feeling of every synthetic note, West leaves no edge uncrafted.
Rowan Blair Colver