But be more like the algae for it is contained and together.
Be more fish than algae for it is in charge of its own direction,
Yet be more gannet than fish as they are swift and not so easily caught.
Be more like a hedgehog than gannet
As it is protected and can afford to take its time,
But more like mouse than hedgehog as it is able to dig deep down.
Be more like antelope than mouse as it is bold, sturdy and strong,
But more like lion than antelope as it is safer in the grass,
Be more like tiger than lion because it has sleek beauty and grace,
Hidden in the undergrowth and comfortable in its place,
But be more like the jungle that hides a tiger from view,
Protective and marvellous, with flowers and fruits,
Be more rain than the jungle as it comes and it goes,
Free to wander the Earth where ever the wind blows,
So be more like the wind as it whispers and howls,
Be a part of the atmosphere, like a silver white cloud.
So be like water as it washes and flows,
And be like everywhere that it chooses to go.
Rowan Blair Colver