A poem by Rowan Blair Colver
Amidst confusion and faith,
Among the dreariest of days,
I dreamed.
I gave thanks for the things
That are yet to be.
With a crystal of love,
Fadden, connected, through and above,
I projected my dues.
There was a path in the forest,
It forked and I chose you.
One way was fear, protective and cold,
The other was sunshine, alive and involved.
I see around us thorns that still grab,
And bruises from stumbles,
When elbow hit slab.
The forest we walk is old and wise,
And with our eyes reminds us of truth.
Sweet angel, my walls, my roof.
Where can we hide,
When the storm clouds strike,
Our arms and our hearts,
Saved for each other and art,
A forest path so long, wide,
And laden with wild strawberries.
This poem can be found inEchoes of a Concrete Cocoon by Rowan Blair Colver