A poem for children
Rowan Blair Colver
Holly loves her bath time,
All those bubbles are fun,
With flowery soapy slime,
To wash her face and bum,
All is well and all is fine,
With the washing routine,
Splashing me in the eyes,
Soaking my shirt and jeans,
I can handle it firm and fair,
With this I am not surprised,
But when it's time to wash her hair,
I can't believe what I find!
With my fingers in lathery flow,
I feel something a bit odd,
I look a bit harder and what do you know?
There's a pea still in its pod!
So I carry on with the job,
Putting the pea to one side,
Before I know I can see a blob,
Of jelly trying to hide,
I scrub at its stickyness,
Remove it from the knots,
But soon in this silliness,
I discover two shallots,
A cauliflower and a pumpkin,
Follow a line of veg,
And then comes something,
I will never forget,
A family of bunny rabbits,
Hop out along in a row,
As I continue the brushing habit,
I'm not sure what will follow,
Soon I discover it,
The next reason for the mangle,
Pulling at it bit by bit,
I release the puppy from the tangle,
It scampers away and shakes it fur,
While I look at Holly's hair,
It's almost done and free of dirt,
But then I notice something there,
After the pea in the pod,
The jelly and the mixed veg,
The rabbits and the baby dog,
I had no idea this would be next,
I pulled at the top all red in the face,
What ever it was causing the mess,
I could feel it slowly start to displace,
Then it hit me straight in the chest,
Something so big had been caught in there,
I didn't think it would happen to Holly,
In the knotty tangles of her beautiful hair,
Was the biggest forest tree!
It had a nest with some birds in,
And many branches up high,
There was no room in the bath,
So I had to carry it outside,
Placing Holly in a towel,
And putting her under one arm,
I took the tree and the owls,
And put them near the barn,
So when I returned to rinse the soap,
The water was mucky and cool,
I ran a fresh tub with bubbles to the top,
So I could get her ready for school.
Rowan Blair Colver