With its scenery and trees,
I witness the creator,
In what I feel, sense and see,
Each person is an expression,
Of what it is to be aware,
Like with baptism and crucifixion,
We all have a cross to bear,
The forest is my church,
All beings encapsulate Love,
A splendid magnificence diverse,
From below and from above.
I take communion with the sky,
And take it with the earth,
So it rains we are given wine,
Soil becomes grain, oven and hearth.
I offer service in currency of intent,
To reveal positive growth and change,
With all the passageways we invent,
Each a new addition to the page.
The horizon is my altar,
Where my feet meet my eyes,
To follow I won't falter,
The destination of all life.
​Rowan Blair Colver