Don't sit around thinking about if you should
If it doesn't work out this you can understand
Nothing is in vain when you own it with your hands
The trials and weather the whiles and bother
Feed you when you're not looking
Seed you with thoughts and cooking
Ideas that only you could have
So be brave, get out there,
Say no to the fear,
Have courage, do enough,
Make mistakes and learn,
Try hard again,
Be proud of your outs,
As well as your ins,
So even when you lose, you win,
Be yourself,
And nothing less than you,
Learn where you need to improve,
And take it easy,
Don't be greedy,
We can't all be excellent at once.
Take your time,
And enjoy the ride,
Remember where you earned your sense of pride,
And keep earning it again,
You will feel pain,
Possibly get stuck out in the rain,
For weeks,
But that only makes you stronger,
Only serves to prolong you,
And so be happy in your weakness,
In your path and your greatness,
Without all three,
There'd be no humanity,
So good luck, good will and remember the sound of your own heart.
Rowan Blair Colver