Relative to the sun
Around we go on Earth
Until the year is done
But if we were in space
Flying out to stars
According to a calendar
Time would be marked
Moments pass us by
We watch as life flies
Astronomy shifts in the sky
We note the changes and why
And think about the time
Ten dimensions of space
And an eleventh for the clock
That's where the dark matter is
I think it's in the ones we haven't got
Relative to the previous
That's what time's about
A linear explanation
Of the natural laws devout
We cannot push things backwards
Once they've already been done
That is surely madness
Like lying to the sun
Time only flows forwards
Because once a moment's passed
History is always
Beyond the reach of us
It's past tense
Memory of events
The moment of existence
Is always at the end
It's only in comparison
To what we think we know
Do we find a time dimension
Which seems to always flow
​Rowan Blair Colver